
Author: Louise

How to help your dog after lockdown

At Paws 4 walkies we hope that you are coping during these difficult times and wanted to give advice regarding how you can help your dog before you return to work following lockdown.

Your dog may have got used to you being at home more or perhaps had a change of routine even if you have continued to work.  It is important that you introduce a change gradually to avoid problems such as separation anxiety.  Here’s a few tips to avoid having a stressed out pooch when you can no longer be there as much as during previous weeks and months.

Gradually change your dog’s routine back to how it was before lockdown before you have to return to work.  Consider time of day, length, location and frequency of walks, This will avoid any anxiety when the routine is switched suddenly.

Your dog may have got used to you being around more and receiving more attention that normal and to just suddenly then leave your dog and return to work may leave your dog to feel abandoned.  Gradually decrease the amount of time you spend with your dog and increase the amount of time they spend on their own, perhaps leaving them in a different room with a chew or toys.

Aim to keep the time that you spend with your dog as close to the normal time you would be with him/her when your routine returns to how it was before lockdown.  It may be a good idea to leave the house without them so they get used to being alone again.

If you plan to have someone else walk your dog when you return to work, help your dog to get reacquainted with this person before you return to work and make yourself available at home in case there are any issues.

Dr Samantha Gaines, Dog Welfare Expert for the RSPCA states

“Always introduce changes gradually and in a positive way, using only positive, reward-based training. And if you have any concerns about how your dog will cope, it is always best to seek advice from a qualified behaviourist who can support you throughout the changes.”

Paws 4 walkies hope that the transition back to work is a smooth one for yourself and your furry friend!

Be careful what your dog eats!

Be careful what they eat!

It’s always important not to go overboard with treats no matter how tempting it seems! Some foods though are downright dangerous to dogs – we’ve listed some of the worst ones below.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine which is poisonous to dogs.  This affects the central nervous system, guts, kidneys and heart and signs of poisoning can occur between 24-48 hours after consumption of chocolate.  Signs of poisoning include diarrhoea, vomiting and restlessness.

2. Caffeine

Because caffeine is similar to chocolate in that it is a stimulant, dogs can be poisoned by tea and coffee.  In small amounts, it is unlikely to have any effect, however it would be dangerous if your dog swallowed a handful of coffee beans or numerous tea bags.  Signs of poisoning are similar to those above for chocolate.

3. Alcohol

Even small amounts of alcohol consumed by your dog can lead to diarrhoea, vomiting, difficulty breaking and blood changes.

4. Onions, leaks, garlic, and chives

Eating any of these can irritate the gut and potentially result in red blood cell damage and anaemia.

The effects may not be immediate and signs of poisoning can occur a few days later.  Also look out for onions found in left over pizza, takeaways and gravy.

5. Macadamia nuts

Dogs can experience depression, tremor, vomiting and increased body temperature within 12 hours of ingestion.

6. Xylitol

This is an artificial sweetener found in foods such as sugar free gums and diet foods.   It leads to insulin release which in turn can result in potentially fatal hypoglycaemia (lowered sugar levels).

Even small quantities can cause toxicity and symptoms include vomiting, loss of coordination and possible seizures and urgent veterinary advice should be sought if you think your dog has ingested xylitol.

7. Mouldy foods

Because mouldy food contains lots of toxins, be careful to dispose of leftover food carefully and ensure your dog cannot access the dustbin.

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8. Yeast dough

As the dough rises, gas accumulates in the digestive system which as well as being painful, can also cause a blockage in the stomach or intestines.  Small amounts of bread can be given as a treat but you must never give your dog yeast dough.

9. Bones

Dogs can choke on bones, damage teeth while chewing them or bone splinters can puncture the digestive tract.  If you do wish to give your dog bones, avoid cooked bones which splinter more easily and chicken bones should definitely be avoided.

10. Corn on the cob

Corn on the cob does not digest wel and can therefore cause intestinal blockages.  Warning signs are vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort.

11. Grapes & raisins

Toxins in grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure and dogs who already have health problems are at greater risk.  Also be aware of foods which contains grapes and raisins such as mince pies and hot cross buns.

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12. Milk

Dogs do not have adequate amounts of the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose in milk and therefore ingesting milk or milk based products can upset the digestive system.

13. Blue cheese

Again, dogs find it difficult to break down the lactose in cheese and eating large amounts of higher fat varieties can cause sickness and diarrhoea.

Blue cheeses, such as stilton and roquefort, are particularly dangerous and many contain a substance called roquefortine C which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea.  Signs of poisoning include twitching, seizures and a high temperature if eaten in large doses.

Happy New Year from Daisy the Cavapoo

Happy New Year from Daisy the Cavapoo

Hello and Happy New Year to all you hoomans and fur babies! Hope you had a
woof-erly time – I did. Look at all these pressies! Ok, so they weren’t all for me
but a dog can dream! Now where’s that bone!?

Let me introduce myself. I’m Daisy the cavapoo and proud member of the
Paws 4 walkies pack. Here’s me doing what I do best – relaxing on the sofa.
I’ve had pawsome walks, met lots of fun-loving friends and had so many adventures.

My Paws 4 walkies ex-paw-rience began in May when my hoomans decided to go on holiday without me! Hmm! To be fair, I’ve heard all that foreign food would not be so good on my delicate tum. So…what to do? Book my own paw-liday of course at a home from home accommodation where I can even still have my own place on the sofa. Pawfect! Here’s my friend Frankie and I relaxing on the sofa with some pup-corn watching our favourite programme!

I had lots of fur-ends to play with whilst on my paw-liday.  Here’s me with Kia and George.

All in all, every day was different and the fun really did never end.  We had plenty of walks by the river and lakes.  I love water.  I’m always trying to jump into the bubble bath at home.   Ooo speaking of which, check out my video ‘Bubblicious fun’ on the facebook page.  I’ve always wanted to star in my own film.  Perhaps it’s never too late to start my career in Paw-lywood!

Wherever we are, we are always followed by the pup-arazzi who can keep your hoomans up to date with photos of your adventures.  After all, why should they be having all the fun!

Bark at your hooman to take the op-paw-tunity and get on the dog and bone, join in the pack and raise the woof, book your place on walkies today!

Hope to see you all  soon!

Love Daisy x

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