Happy New Year from Daisy the Cavapoo

Hello and Happy New Year to all you hoomans and fur babies! Hope you had a
woof-erly time – I did. Look at all these pressies! Ok, so they weren’t all for me
but a dog can dream! Now where’s that bone!?

Let me introduce myself. I’m Daisy the cavapoo and proud member of the
Paws 4 walkies pack. Here’s me doing what I do best – relaxing on the sofa.
I’ve had pawsome walks, met lots of fun-loving friends and had so many adventures.

My Paws 4 walkies ex-paw-rience began in May when my hoomans decided to go on holiday without me! Hmm! To be fair, I’ve heard all that foreign food would not be so good on my delicate tum. So…what to do? Book my own paw-liday of course at a home from home accommodation where I can even still have my own place on the sofa. Pawfect! Here’s my friend Frankie and I relaxing on the sofa with some pup-corn watching our favourite programme!

I had lots of fur-ends to play with whilst on my paw-liday. Here’s me with Kia and George.
All in all, every day was different and the fun really did never end. We had plenty of walks by the river and lakes. I love water. I’m always trying to jump into the bubble bath at home. Ooo speaking of which, check out my video ‘Bubblicious fun’ on the facebook page. I’ve always wanted to star in my own film. Perhaps it’s never too late to start my career in Paw-lywood!
Wherever we are, we are always followed by the pup-arazzi who can keep your hoomans up to date with photos of your adventures. After all, why should they be having all the fun!
Bark at your hooman to take the op-paw-tunity and get on the dog and bone, join in the pack and raise the woof, book your place on walkies today!
Hope to see you all soon!
Love Daisy x